Dec 28, 2009

My Pa

We have suffered a great loss over the Christmas holiday. My PA (my daddy's dad) passed away Saturday morning after complications from surgery. He had to have heart surgery involving 5 bipasses to be completed. He suffered complications and they were only able to address 4 of the 5 bipasses. We spent a very long day waiting to see if he would make improvement. Christmas eve day we sat with him as ICU hours would allow and spent time with him, just sitting and talking. He seemed to be doing better and making improvements on Christmas morning when we went to see him. He was sitting up and eating red jello. We took his Christmas gifts to him and sat with him as Gmom showed him what he got. He seemed to be okay and we thought that our Pa would be coming home to us soon. I got to tell him I love him and spend time with him. Saturday morning, Daddy asked if I wanted to go see him at 8am. I told him I would wait and Jose & I would go at noon. I did not get to see my PA again. He suffered a heart attack Saturday morning (Dec. 26) while my dad, uncle, and Gmom sat with him. He did not make it. I am having a hard time understanding that he is not gonna come home and be with us. I am having a hard time with the fact that he will not be able to hold my baby and see him or her grow up. My family have all told me that he can see my baby already and knows what we are having. They have told me that he will be with my baby and me every day. I am just so sad that my baby does not get to experience such a great man that I have had in my life forever. I do not know how to do this from day to day which makes me wonder what I can do for my daddy, uncle, and my Gmom. This is the worst most intensifying pain that I have ever felt in my life. I know that he has gone to be with GOD and all the angels and that he is once again reunited with his parents and family. But we will miss him greatly and think about him every day. Please keep our family in your prayers as we all need a little extra help to get through this tragedy.

My Gmom told us a story yesterday about Pa and his universal remote. If you knew my Pa at all you knew he was a REGULAR at the Donut Stop for as long as I can remember. He would go in the morning and in the afternoon every day. She said that he went out and bought himself a universal remote and starting taking it with him to the coffee shop (Donut Stop). She said that whenever he didnt like what they were showing on TV he would sneak his remote out of his pocket and flip the channels real quick to something else that his group of friends would like to watch. He would also turn the volume up or down to his own liking as if he owned the place. It is just so funny to me to see my PA taking a tv remote from home, sneaking it out of his pocket and secretly changing the channels as if it were a secret operation. He had such a great sense of humor and was such a joy to be around. I laughed so hard when she told us that story. I just wanted to share a happier funny story about him with you.


Tracy said...

Audra - I am so sorry for your loss! I will pray that God will help you through this very tough time. I will be thinking about you!

Anonymous said...

Audra- Sorry to hear about your pa. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family. I really glad that you and your baby are doing so well.
