We had a Dr. appointment on January 28th. He said that baby seems good and his heart beat is strong. I on the other hand got a little surprise when they told me I gained 8 lbs this month (in one month). That is crazy. I didn't know I could gain that much so quickly. So at almost 26 weeks I had made it to 15 lbs total in weight gain. We go back again on March 2nd for our 30 weeks appointment and do the blood test for the gestational diabetes and are having another sonogram done then as well, if I understood correctly. And then the countdown begins, 10 weeks left will make it seem like there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We can't wait to meet him and hold him and love him even more. Jose is getting really excited. He jokingly asks me all the time, "when is he gonna get here??" just like when you were little and you go on a trip in the car and you ask 1 million times, "Mom, are we there yet?".
His cousin Olivia is due March 3rd so we will see if she waits til her due date to grace us with her presence or decides to come early. I know my sister is ready and my Mom is convinced we are both going to have our babies 2 weeks early. So we will see. I would rather be 2 weeks early than 2 weeks late.
A funny thought for you... I have had a ton of nightmares lately (which isn't so funny). But one my family thinks is funny is: I dreamed I was in labor and the baby was coming too early. I am delivering the baby and the doctor holds up not ONE but TWO stuffed animals instead of my little boy. How mortifying. In my dream all I could think was "oh my gosh, now I have to start all over." I kept asking the doctor to put them back in and maybe if I pushed again my baby would come this time. Is that the craziest thing you have ever heard or what?? I woke up completely mortified and panicked knowing in the back of my mind that there is obviously no way in the world that anyone could give birth to stuffed animals but it bothered me for about a week. And to make it worse, they looked like Bert & Ernie off of Sesame Street. Oh, the joys of pregnancy :)
Hope you are all having a wonderful new year. Stay warm!!!!!!
10 years ago
1 comment:
Sister...I don't even want to hear about that little insignificant weight gain of yours! Hush! LOL. Glad you are almost there. Cherish every second, though. Don't rush anything along...Trust me. XOXO
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