So much as been happening over the past few months. Benjamin will be 6 months old on Friday. He is such a big boy now. At his 5 month doctor appointment he weighed in a 16 lbs and a few ounces. About a month ago, he ended up with croup and brochiolitis so we did breathing treatments for over a week. He was barking like a dog all week. We felt so bad for him. He is doing 100% better now and he has decided that he does not like to do breathing treatments at all. He would scream and scream if he was awake when we would give them to him. We did figure out that if we put him in his swing and did them while he was asleep we were all much happier. He has been accomplishing lots of new things over the past month or so. He found his toes the other day and he thinks they are SO COOL!!! He rolls over when he thinks its a good idea, but the rest of the time he just screams when he wants to turn over and looks at you to come and flip him over. You could say that our son is a little on the LAZY side. Hopefully he will outgrow that soon. Two nights ago, he slept in his big boy crib in his room all night. He did wake up 2xs to eat but went right back to sleep in his crib. Jose is not quite ready for Benjamin to sleep in his own room but Benjamin has to start sometime so there is no time like the present. So I will be transitioning him over slowly so both Daddy and baby have enough time to get used to the new arrangement. Benjamin is absolutely infatuated with the computer and cell phones. If anyone is on the computer that is where he wants to be. Right in the middle of everything, pushing buttons on the keyboard when he can sneak his little baby hands past us. He loves cell phones. He likes to talk to his grandparents and aunts and uncles on the phone. We always put it on speaker phone and and he just stares at the phone wondering how his papa or grandma is in that little box. His Gmom and Papa have been teaching him new things while I am at work. They have taught him to blow his lips and make a buh buh buh noise. When he does it, he spits all over you and he just laughs. He is the happiest baby. He has no idea what it means to be unloved. He has constant visitors. Either his grandparents, aunts, uncles, or cousins are always coming by to play. I have posted some pictures of the past month. Look at how much he is changing!!!! And of course, the pics of the oh so cute baby girl is our niece Olivia!!
10 years ago
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