Mar 1, 2011

Growing Up so Fast!!

Benjamin is getting to be such a big boy. He will be 10 months old on Saturday. I can't believe that he will be 1 in 2 months. Its crazy!!!!! He is not the quiet little baby we brought home from the hospital. He has a BIG personality. He is really figuring out his likes and dislikes.

He has 3 favorite shows that he loves to watch. His number one favorite is a disney channel cartoon "Handy Manny." Most of his grandparents and Uncle Bo have seen quite a few episodes (over and over again). He stops everything he is doing to watch if he sees it come on or hears the theme song. It is pretty funny. His other favorite show is Mickey Mouse Club House. He loves when the characters SING. And the most odd of the 3 shows he watches is JEOPARDY. Yep, that's right, he sits mesmorized when Jeopardy comes on at 4:30p. He watches it with Gmom almost every single day if we are home and he is not napping. Hopefully that means he is soaking up all the knowledge and will be one smart boy.

He is into everything these days. He has discovered how to open drawers, pull everything out, and go on the the next thing. He crawls so quickly and runs in his walker. He is a little speedster and he loves to run you over in it. He has even gotten good enough getting it to go that he can walk across the carpet (with some extra effort).

And YES, Benjamin finally has 2 yes two TEETH. Those little bugs bunny teeth (as his daddy refers to them) came through about 1.5 weeks ago. We are all so relieved.

I will post some new pics soon.

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