Dec 1, 2009

17 Week Appointment

We had an appointment today. The doctor said that all is good. The baby's heartbeat sounds strong. It is 155 bpm. The doctor told us if he had a guess, he would say the baby is a BOY. BUT, we will have to wait to find out for sure until Dec 29 to have our sonogram done. I was a little shocked to discover that I gained 5 lbs in the last 4 weeks. I couldn't believe it. So total so far at four months pregnant, I've gained about 6.7lbs total. They told me not to worry about it cause the most of it was yet to come.. But I can't complain because my baby is growing well at this point. That is all we can really ask for. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and we will let you know when we find out what we are having. Vote on our poll what you think the baby will be.


lindsey said...

until you gain 65lbs - i do not want to hear about your little 5 lb weight gains! i hope it's a...healthy baby & that's all i hope...but i think i need PINK to buy for, so that's what i vote!! XOXO

Anonymous said...

That is great! I am so happy for you both!

Jason Bell